Thursday, November 22, 2012, 14:51
Category: General
Solution ID: 00000175
What are "Spam Traps" and how can I use them to reduce spam?
Spammers are constantly scouring the Internet looking for fresh targets for their trash. Empirical studies show that Spammers harvest e-mail address from web-sites, discussion groups, web blogs, chain letters and any other source they can find.
Spammers are so effective at harvesting e-mail addresses from websites that some people report receiving spam on their website published e-mail address in as little as 8 hours from the time the e-mail address is first posted to the site. It is because of aggressive website e-mail harvesting that many people believe that it is no longer practical to publish your e-mail address on your company or personal website.
PerfectMail™ is so effective, you can safely publish your e-mail address on your web site.
Surprisingly, an effective way to defend against spam is to give Spammers exactly what they want! PerfectMail includes a feature aptly called Spam Traps. Spam Trap accounts are e-mail addresses that are used to trick Spammers into identifying themselves.
The Spam Trap strategy is simple; create a bogus e-mail account, hide that account on your website, let Spammers harvest the bogus address from your website and then block all e-mail traffic that includes the Spam Trap e-mail addresses in a message's recipient list.
PerfectMail's spam trap feature looks for pre-defined Spam Trap e-mail addresses in the recipient list of every in-bound message. If a Spam Trap e-mail address is found in the recipient list, PerfectMail will:
This strategy is effective because it gives PerfectMail notice when a spammer is targeting your server.
Tags: mail, server, antispam, spam, trap, honeypot
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Updated: Thursday, November 22, 2012, 14:51
-- David Rutherford
Last modified: 2012-11-22, 14:53
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