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Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 13:07

PerfectMail 3.4.2 is Available

PerfectMail 3.4.2 is now available. For auto-update servers, this release will automatically be applied over the next couple of days. This release makes some major improvements to the User Interface and implements new infrastructure for developing future anti-spam tests, some of which have already been implemented.

Spam continues to evolve and we are working on new algorithms to identify and block malicious e-mail from various sources, including social networks. This includes major improvements to our text matching engine, analysis engines and site probing technology. Our HTML analysis code was completely re-architected and is already performing well in reducing specific types of spam which leverage HTML structure.

This new release also offers our first version of a Self Service Console and E-mail Activity Reporting to allow your users to manage their own e-mail. Because this feature is new we have not made it conspicuous on the interface. If you are interested in trying this feature send us an e-mail and we'll send you instructions on how to enable and configure it. Moving forward, this will be an optional feature.

Please keep sending us your spam! Send your spam to All submissions are permanently run through our spam analysis process. These submissions drive our anti-spam development process.

-- David Rutherford


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Last modified: 2024-03-29, 15:14

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